Commercial Herd

Sangus Herd

Excellence in Commercial Cattle Breeding

After seeing an increasing demand for Sangus females at annual production sales Yulgilbar sold its first Sangus bulls in 2013. Sangus have been a significant component of Yulgilbar’s commercial breeding program over the past decade. These composite poll animals comprise the best of Angus and Santa Gertrudis genetics available.


Sangus are flat-backed, tropically adapted cattle. Two of the most productive and marketable beef cattle breeds have been blended to create Sangus cattle.

Australia wide Sangus combine the productive traits of fertility and meat quality from Angus; while inheriting the proven performance and versatility of Yulgilbar Santa Gertrudis, in terms of weight gain, disease and parasite tolerance; and superior environmental adaptation.

Yulgilbar Sangus females combine the productive traits of Angus, with the performance, hardiness and maternal characteristics of Santa Gertrudis, making the female an ideal mother!